## popup message -A disappearing message def popupMessage(function_name): """ Displays an in-view message indicating that a function has been copied to the clipboard. :param function_name: #The name of the function that has been copied. :return: """ mc.inViewMessage(amg="Copied!!\nFunction name '{0}' has been copied to the clipboard.".format(function_name), pos='midCenter', fade=True) # Test function is provided to test main function popupMessage def test_popupMessage(): popupMessage(function_name='exampleFunction') # Since mc.inViewMessage affects the UI, manual verification is required. print("popupMessage executed successfully.") test_popupMessage()
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Advanced  Quad Auto Rigger

as_EasyQuad   |   Auto Quad Rigger

as_EasyQuad - Advanced Auto Quadruped Rigging Tool

With this tool, one can rig advanced realistic Quadruped in the least possible time. 

Advanced features :

-Stretch & squash limit

-Advanced Neck setup

-Ctrls to fake Muscle like behaviour 

-Auto Clavicle Etc


Advanced Creature Rigging - 05 : Horse Rig
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Advanced Creature Rigging - 05 : Horse Rig

Advanced Creature Rigging - 05 : Horse Rig

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Advanced Creature Rigging - 04 - Greyhound (Dog) Rig

Advanced Creature Rigging - 04 - Greyhound (Dog) Rig

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Manual / Documentation

Table Of Contents - as_EasyQuad

  1. Introduction

  2. Installation

  3. Basic Setup

  4. Hyper Points

  5. Quick Setup

  6. Spine Setup

Video Tutorials

Basic Setup_03
Hyper Points_04
Quick Setup_05
Spine Setup_06
Auto Joints Placer
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