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With Advance Hyper Skinning System (AHSS), you can skin your character at faster speeds at various areas of character.Option 4 - Advance Hyper Skin (All Features) - For 1 Year needs internet connection for the checking current date online
Please reach out at for any clarifications
What You Receive:
- as_HyperSkinMain.pyc [Main Tool]
- as_SmoothNearest.pyc(Supporting Tool) [Full Version & Equivalent Code for button]
[Limited Free feature of Hyper Skinning System, now available on creative-crash website, for testing from your end.]
[Video for this feature is already out there:]
- hsNode.pyc (Supporting Module):
[One node for the most of the rigging process. You can use this node in your personal setups also]
Please Note:
Tools will be delivered to your mail ID which is given via PayPal
Test Files:
- Arnold Rig (For Practicing The Tool)
- Box hand rig as shown in videos (For understanding Blend method and blend value)
- (For testing Individual Skin Joints)
- (For testing more / less loops at wrist area)
Delivery Time:
Delivery of the tools may take up to 1 to 2 days,
Since it involves compilation process. This tool is available at per system basis only.
More with as_HyperSkin:
1. Skinning Transfer:
2. Proxy Mesh Creation:
3. Free : Arnold Rig (For Testing)
Which is as you see in the video
Features (as_HyperSkin_v3.0):
- Reduces human effort during The Skinning Process
- Export and import of discs / disc attributes : For huge library of rigs / assets
- Works On All Rigs (Biped, Bird, Quad, Snake etc.)
- Works On Selected Vertices
- Advance Feature : Solving Joints For Fingers / Toes / Tail / Multiple polygon layers
- Advance Feature : Smoothing Nearest Vertices (as_SmoothNearest / as_EasySmooth)
- Hyper Smooth : Automated Smooth Process on tubular and non-tubular sections also
- Hyper Discs : Auto Creation and Auto Replacement
- Tight Integration With Auto Rigs of as_Family (,, etc.)
- Works like a charm on Non-Manifold Geometry And All The Options Of Smooth Bind Also
- Disposable Discs : No Deformer, No mess and No Extra burden to the Rig..
- Finished rig(skin) can be used in a different Maya environment without the tool
- Works well on individual skinned joints also
- Volume Preservation : shoulders, hips & elbow like areas
- Auto Dual Layer Skinning
Please Note:
1. Minor changes might be needed in rig setup and model for better utilization of the tool.
Documentation & Support:
- Most of the documentation is already provided in above videos.
- Tool needs basic rigging knowledge. Assuming that, questions will be answered.
- Additional PDF documentation will be provided for updates & interface help.
- eMail service will be provided when ever it is needed, during usage of script.
- No refund will be given.
- One Free Mac ID will be given with Each Option
- Mac ID can’t be transferred and deactivated, once its given
- A 60 days (from specific date) free limited trail version of AHSS is available here : as_HyperSkin
As_HyperSkin - Advanced Hyper Skinning System
File format